Project Goal
Good(s) Monitoring, Europe! project aims to promote European social inclusion strategies addressing the most disadvantaged layers of the population, through the public and social re-use of assets confiscated from organised crime in Europe and the activation of bottom-up participatory processes. The fight against organized crime passes through the community’s ability to generate a sense of belonging. The adoption of measures to promote social inclusion through a multidisciplinary approach, giving priority to cohesion policies as a decisive tool to strengthen these practices, should become a strategy. In this perspective, the involvement of the Cohesion Policy Agency, which will accompany Libera, will be essential to implement a strategy that can strengthen the support of cohesion policies in the construction of alternative contexts to criminal ones. The project will primarily activate a civic monitoring process and an analysis of the impact of cohesion policies on the possibility of reusing confiscated assets, creating a mapping on the implementation of Article 10.3 of Directive 2014/42/EU in EU Member States. To enhance and strengthen the first action, a European summer school will be organised for the development of a monitoring toolkit that will then be implemented in 4 European countries , to analyse and design some possible public and social re-use experiences of confiscated assets from organised crime, with the use of cohesion funds in support of these processes. The support of the European CHANCE network - Civil Hub Against orgaNised Crime in Europe will be essential. Through its partners, CHANCE will support the implementation and dissemination of the project itself. As a final commitment, Libera and the operators involved will propose the adoption of a European Strategy for the public and social re-use of confiscated assets through cohesion policies, following the example of good practice developed in Italy. The Strategy will be presented during the European Week of Regions and Cities 2021, promoted each year by the European Union, and already participated by Libera in its 2019 and 2020 editions.
Results to be achieved
• Quantitative and qualitative growth of information and data on public and social re-use practices at the European level;
• Increasing the non-profit world’s exchange with the competent authorities on good practices on the management of confiscated property;
• Development of an innovative community-based monitoring toolkit for the valorisation of confiscated assets, duplicable in other areas through cohesion policies;
• Establishment of an informal transnational network of monitoring communities to implement the exchange of good practices;
• Wide-ranging promotion of proposals for a European strategy for the public and social re-use of confiscated property.
At the European level, the project impact will be ensured by the establishment of an informal network of communities monitoring confiscated assets that will participate in the CHANCE network’s activities for strategic planning and advocacy, to be carried out both towards the competent authorities at national and European level, and to European citizens. The promotion of proposals and the enhancement of strategies for the social re-use of confiscated assets is part of the actions included in CHANCE's political agenda: promoting a European strategy for the creation of a fund dedicated to the re-use of confiscated assets is contained in the 2021-2027 programming of European funds to guarantee long-term effectiveness.
Project implementation date: November 2020 - October 2021
MORE INFO international@libera.it